Sight Loss Soccer

Sight Loss Soccer
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On the first Monday of every month, we run a sight loss soccer session at the Samuel Cody School from 5:30pm-6:30pm. 

We run these sessions to provide those with any range of sight loss the opportunity to keep active and keep their love of football alive, because football is for all.

Our project partner, and visually impaired sports enthusiast, Dave Shaw said “Having the opportunity to play visually impaired football with Aldershot has given me the chance to recapture my love of the game, which had been lost for over twenty years. You feel part of a team and have a belonging. Playing football again has improved my fitness, help my confidence, and given me a chance to make new friends. It’s so inspiring being with others who push the battlers of dealing with sight loss to achieve new goals.” 

We run these sessions to create these experiences for those like Dave, who may have lost their love for the game due to sight loss, but can recapture it in the right environment. Our sessions our community based, and can be attended by those with any abilities, we place the emphasis on being social and improving our physical, and mental wellbeing. In Autumn of 2023 we received funding from Rushmoor Borough Council that has allowed us to purchase new equipment and has helped us become more sustainable in the future. We are very grateful to them.

We have been running these sessions since the start of 2023, and are expanding. If you would be interested in registering for one of these free sessions, please contact

If you would like any travel advice, please contact us for the in-depth travel information.

Our Next Sessions

Monday 13th January 2025 17:30 – 18:30 (Samuel Cody School, Ballantyne Road, Farnborough, GU14 8SN) 

Monday 3rd February 2025 17:30 – 18:30 (Samuel Cody School, Ballantyne Road, Farnborough, GU14 8SN) 

Monday 3rd March 2025 17:30 – 18:30 (Samuel Cody School, Ballantyne Road, Farnborough, GU14 8SN)