OlderShots raise £1,000 for Phyllis Tuckwell!

On Sunday 17th September, our OlderShots held their annual Dave Wilkes Memorial Trophy, where they commemorate their fellow walking footballers that they have lost in years gone by. The day was a resounding success, and our OlderShots, along with the other fantastic competing teams, and generous donations, hit their target of raising £1,000 for Phyllis Tuckwell. The day was organised and ran by Mick Quinn, here is Mick’s report:
Another OlderShots Walking Football tournament, and another story of near misses and disappointment…
This weekend Tony Raffermati’s troops were in action at the “Dave Wilkes Memorial Trophy” which is an annual event in memory of our departed Walking football colleagues. The event is aimed at raising money for charity and this year’s beneficiary was the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice, who do amazing work in our local area.
The Shots were competing with strong favourites Bracknell Town, Retro Rangers, Ramipril Rovers, The famous Cove Rapidly Ageing Pensioners (C.R.A.P) and Real’ Crap in a mini league. A couple of draws and a couple of slim 1-0 losses were the highlights for Shots, along with John Bouch scoring his first goal for the red and blues.
Cove Rapidly Ageing Pensioners collected the silverware, but the real winners on the day were The Phyllis Tuckwell charity who received a total donation of £1,000.
The OlderShots Club Patron, former shots legend Nikki Bull said “I am so proud of all the lads for effort they put in to helping others less fortunate than themselves. They give up so much of their time and energy for good causes and are a credit to the club.”
If you would like to learn more about walking football, click here or contact Mick Quinn for full details on 07810 100175.